
Greek Commentaries on Revelation is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Eastern church gives little evidence of particular interest in the book of Revelation. Oecumenius of Isauria’s commentary on the book is the earliest full treatment in Greek and dates only from the early sixth century. Along with Oecumenius’s commentary, only that of Andrew of Caesarea (dating from the same era and often summarizing Oecumenius before offering a contrary opinion) and that of...

fifth anathema says that “if anyone says or thinks that, at the resurrection, human bodies will rise spherical in form and unlike our present form, let him be anathema.”84 This condemnation was reiterated at the Fifth Ecumenical Council in 553 in its anathemas against Origen. That council stated in its tenth anathema that “if anyone shall say that after the resurrection the body of the Lord was ethereal, having the form of a sphere, and that such shall be the bodies of all after the resurrection,
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